A Collaborative Law Firm

Dedicated To Personalized Service

Exterior of Office Building of The The Law Office of Hummel, Lewis & Davidson, LLP | Attorney And Counselors At Law
Exterior of Office Building of The The Law Office of Hummel, Lewis & Davidson, LLP | Attorney And Counselors At Law

Exact Abstract, LLC, Real Estate Closing Services

Established in 2007, Exact Abstract, LLC, is dedicated to providing full-service closing services to buyers, sellers, lenders, and real estate sales professionals from our office at 3 East Fifth Street in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.

Exact Abstract furnishes services for not only residential homes but also investment properties, including student rentals, commercial and business properties, developers, and new construction.

Buying or selling a farm? Exact Abstract offers expert consultations in the transfer of farms and agricultural properties. Attorney Rob Davidson is an International Farm Transition Network farm succession coordinator. As former corporate counsel for the AgChoice Farm Credit Agricultural Credit Association, he represented Pennsylvania’s largest agricultural lender, providing legal support in the delivery of appraisals, settlement services, tax planning, and farm succession and transition consulting.

Exact Abstract offers:

  • Agreements of Sale: We review Agreements of Sale to verify that they include all essential provisions to protect your interests.
  • Title searches: We examine public records to determine and confirm a property’s legal ownership and look for judgments, claims, or liens on the property.
  • Title insurance: Title insurance premium rates are set by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and will be the same no matter what company writes the policy. Exact Abstract is an agency for First American Title Insurance Company. Attorney Rob Davidson is a licensed Pennsylvania Title Insurance Agent.
  • Deed preparation: We are experienced in drafting deeds that may include exceptions, reservations, easements, rights-of-way and restrictive covenants.
  • Document preparation: We can prepare sales agreements, deeds, settlement statements, mortgages and any other documents necessary for the purchase and sale of real estate.
  • Real estate tax information: We work with local tax collectors, school districts and County Tax Assessment offices to ensure that all real estate taxes are paid at closing.
  • Settlement costs: Exact Abstract prepares settlement statements that detail all the fees and costs associated with the sale and purchase of real estate.
  • Escrow settlement services: As an objective third-party, Exact Abstract holds legal documents and funds on behalf of a buyer and seller and distributes them according to the buyer’s and seller’s instructions.
  • Notary services: Our real estate professionals are Pennsylvania commissioned notaries who can notarize closing documents.
  • Recording services: On behalf of our clients, we record deeds, mortgages and other documents with the Recorder of Deeds of many counties.
  • Wire transfers for mortgage funds and mortgage payoffs: We can accept and pay proceeds via wire transfers, providing instant access to funds.

Put Our Real Estate Team To Work For You

Exact Abstract provides complete closing services. We offer both in-office and out-of-office closings. Our decades of knowledge and experience aid us in understanding the needs of buyers, sellers, and lenders in the real estate sales process. We strive to deliver dependable, courteous service throughout northeastern and north-central Pennsylvania. You can arrange a consultation to discuss your needs by calling 570-245-6720 or 877-829-8987 or using our online form.