When parents are separated, they face limitations and restrictions that parents who are still together may not face. Separated parents generally need to ensure availability for their established parenting schedule and the corresponding responsibilities. One...
How will your property be split in a divorce?
Divorce is an emotional time. It is also a period fraught with practical considerations. The choices you make during the divorce can affect your financial stability for years to come. Rushing into a settlement without properly considering your circumstances, or...
Summertime parenting plans: What to consider
When parents separate, a Court Order establishes the custody schedule between the mother and father. In some cases, the schedule works well for months and years thereafter. In other situations, a party’s circumstances change, and the schedule needs to be modified....
Marital misconduct: a factor in Pennsylvania alimony awards
The terms alimony, spousal support and maintenance are all common phrases many people may associate with financial support provided to one spouse during or after a divorce. However, in the state of Pennsylvania, each are different and awarded at different times. Such...
Divorce: Is it better to reach a settlement or go to Court?
When deciding to end a marriage, most couples want the divorce process to be as quick and painless as possible. However, there are times when that may not be feasible. Couples can reach an impasse over custody agreements for their children, or one spouse may hold out...